Thursday, October 6, 2016

Physical Education

Image result for physical educatinWe have been having so much fun in PE this year! We are wrapping up the throwing/catching unit this week.  For most of the unit, we have been learning and practicing the skills of football.  While I am assessing the skills that we have been working on with a couple students, the other student's are playing capture the flag.  We are having a blast! We are moving onto the Fitnessgram unit next.  This is a new program we are trying out this year.  It is similar to Presidential Fitness. This program allows us to track the student's progress throughout their years in Kemmerer schools.  The students are challenged to do a distance run(distance depends on age), push-ups, sit-ups, trunk lifts, pull-ups, flexed arm hang, and sit and reach. Since we will do this assessment now, and at the end of the year, this program will give us a good idea of the progress each student makes.  We are excited to give it a try! To prepare for the distance run, we have been running up to 10 minutes (depending on the grade) for our warm ups in class.  This is to prepare them for the distance run.  After the mile (or less) is ran, we will go back to playing active games to get our hearts pumping for our warm up.  I am just trying to prepare them for our Physical Education assessments.  The student's have done a wonderful job and have worked so hard.  I am very proud of them! We will continue to have fun, and be active while reaching our state and district standards! Thank you all for your support and help in your children's education!

Kemmerer Elementary

It has been so fun getting to know the elementary students! We have been working on locomotor skills. These include running, walking, hopping, skipping, jumping, leaping, galloping, and sliding.  We have discussed the different locomotor patterns that animals use.  We also have learned pathways.  They have been able to learn to do the locomotor patterns in straight, zig-zag, and curved pathways.  It has been fun to watch the student's progress! We are moving onto the balancing/gymnastics unit.  The students are having fun, and learning a lot!

Image result for physical educatin

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome back to school at Kemmerer and Canyon! My name is Sierra Bass, and I am so excited to be here teaching Physical Education! This year we will be learning all about sports, and following state standards.  PE is for the kids to have fun and get active! I want to inspire the kids to be active for all of their lives.  Physical activity isn't limited to sports.  Being active includes things like walking the dog, jumping on the trampoline, and playing outside.  These activities are important too! I am so excited to teach the kids about all the ways we can be active! We are starting off the school year with learning the skills of football.  The kids and I are ready to start!